Michael Solomon is a thought leader in marketing and advertising. His presentations reveal cutting-edge trends in advertising and marketing, branding, consumer behavior, and social media. Michael has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Most Productive Scholars with published research on consumer behavior, fashion psychology, branding, retailing, and marketing research in numerous academic journals. He has written over 30 books on these and related topics, as well as many feature articles in national magazines.
Michael is a regular Contributor at Forbes.com, where he writes about retailing, consumer behavior and branding. He has spoken to Fortune 500 companies, top advertising agencies, associations and branches of government on five continents and received rave reviews.
Michael’s client roster includes leading industries such as financial services and insurance, consumer goods and food, apparel design and fashion, as well as aviation and technology. He has spoken to business groups around the world delivering keynotes in South Korea, Brazil, Peru, Japan, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom and Poland.

Consumer Behavior:
A Moving Target
The Young and the Restless: Capture the Hearts, Minds and Wallets of Millennials
We Really ARE What We Wear:
How the Psychology of Fashion Influences Consumer Behavior